Sunday, January 24, 2010


I originally learned about filmLUBBOCK while searching for local casting/crew calls for the Lubbock or West Texas Area. I read about what they were trying to do and started to get excited that there were actually people here in Lubbock trying to do amazing things in the film industry.

I read more in depth and found them on certain social networks and started emailing one of the "producers". (This would lead to so much more than just a business contact in the end, but would lead to one of most amazing people I now call my best friend, Justin May) It would be almost a year and half later that we sat down with the writer and truly found a way to make this feature happen.

We now have a DP, Daniel Ballard, a sound enginer, Heather "Boom" Jackson and an amazing cast/crew to help shoot a teaser. We wanted to try and find an inventive way to promote the script to potential investors. We thought story boards and scenes would help aid us in telling the story in a dynamic way.

Our shooting is slated for next weekend, and I am getting more and more excited the further we go with this, and hope it leads to many more opportunities for me personally, and professionally.

Next step. Story board art, and fundraising.

For more information check out
